Monday, December 23, 2013

Looking Forward To

There's looking forward to and then there's not looking forward to.  They are very counter active forces and in order to live in the moment you must have a little bit of both.  If you only have things to look forward to then your days will drag on, but if you only have things to not look forward to then you will never be happy.  For example, I'm looking forward to Christmas in two days but I'm not looking forward to work in three hours.  So even though I want time to fly by so Christmas comes, I don't want time to fly by because that would mean I would be on my way to work.  This makes me appreciate the moment I currently live in, lying on my bed and typing my thoughts out.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Break

Winter Break.  The thing people, namely high school students, look forward to since quite frankly, the end of Summer Break.  Winter Break encompasses everything joyous and cheery, from cozy fires and hot cocoa to family bonding experiences.  For me, this begins today.
With the stress of exams and well, school in general lifted of my shoulders, it is a time of relaxing and sleeping in my bed til way past morning.  It is a time of drinking and munching on holiday treats (especially eggnog) til I'm sure I've gained at least five pounds.  It is a time of waiting and yearning for Christmas til finally the 25th rolls around.  It is a time of visiting and sharing with family members til all of the year's stories have been told.  But most importantly, it is a time of giving and receiving gifts til smiles form on each of my loved one's face.
I wish you a happy holiday and a wonderful Winter Break.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Feeling Superhuman

The hardest part about making a blog is probably choosing a blog address.  First you have to come up with the perfect name that sums your entire personality and writing style in a couple words.  Of course it also has to be catchy and memorable.  Once you've found the perfect title, you type it in and that horrible message comes up "Sorry, this blog address is not available."  The next step is usually opening a new tab to type in the url that was taken to see if it is being done justice.  Usually you come to find that it's not.  The page will have like one post, if any, from more than four years ago.  Then you go back to the drawing board and come up with another good name for your blog and end up repeating the previous steps listed.
Once you find that name that suits you (and isn't taken) it's a perfect moment because then the blog is yours.  You officially run your own blog with it's unique url on the interwebs (excuse my 4yr old vocabulary).  And at the end of the day, after you launch your blog and begin posting, it wont matter who reads it, even if no one does, it just matters that it's there for you as an outlet for all of your crazy thoughts and opinions that need to be shared.  So this is me ready to write to you about anything and everything that comes to mind.